When the original subdivision of Chevy Chase View was laid out and recorded, certain Covenants were placed against the land. They were not and are not regulations or ordinances adopted by the Council of Chevy Chase View. On the contrary, they are in the nature of private contracts, enforceable where permitted by law, only at the instance of an interested property owner in a private suit.
- That all houses shall be built and used for residence purposes only, except stables, carriage houses, garages or sheds which may be necessary for use in connection with such residences; and that no trade business, manufacture or sales, or nuisance of any kind shall be carried on or permitted in said subdivision.
- That no house shall be erected in said subdivision at less than $5,000.00 present value, and no house shall be built within 35 feet of the front line of any lot.
- That no stable, carriage house, garage or shed shall be erected within 50 feet of the front line of any lot.
- That all outbuildings of any kind or character shall be built in the rear of the premises.
- That no building of any kind or character shall be built within 5 feet of the side line of any lot in the subdivision.
- That no pigs, hogs or cows shall be permitted to be kept upon any lot in the subdivision.
These covenants can be found with the deed to each property.