Compost Crew, a locally owned business based in Rockville, MD, provides composting service to the Town of Chevy Chase View. The Town of Chevy Chase View has started a one-year pilot program with Compost Crew.
How Does It Work?
Compost Crew will supply each participating household with an airtight bin and compostable bags. Each household must separate organic waste and leave the composting bin at the curb on Thursday evenings for early morning Friday pickup. The waste will be processed at a permitted composting facility in Maryland. As an additional benefit, each household may request to receive finished compost twice per year.
What Can Be Composted?
As a rule of thumb, anything that grows or is made from the earth can go in the bin. This includes meat, dairy, vegetable, and fruit scraps; coffee grounds and filters; tea and tea bags; eggshells; bread and other grains; napkins, paper towels, pizza boxes, dryer lint, etc. A comprehensive list is located here: The List
How Much Does It Cost?
The residents of Chevy Chase View are offered a reduced rate of $22/month for a 7-gallon bin and $29/month for a 12-gallon bin. Starting February 1, 2024, residents will pay $11/month for the 7-gallon bin and $18/month for the 12-gallon bin. The Town will be invoiced $11/month per subscribed home each month. The one-time fee to purchase the container will be the responsibility of residents. When users load a Chevy Chase View address on the Compost Crew website, these rates will automatically be applied when you sign up.
What if I Am Already a Subscriber?
You do not need to do anything. Your subscription will automatically migrate to the new plan effective February 1, 2024.
If you have questions, please contact the Compost Crew directly at [email protected] or (301) 202-4450.