Welcome to the Town of Chevy Chase View!

We look forward to getting to know you and your family.  We encourage all new residents to take advantage of the following communication tools available to you — we want to make certain you receive information about the comings and goings of the Town.

Introduce Yourself to the Town Manager

Please email the Town Manager to introduce yourself.  You can take this opportunity to obtain answers to any questions you may have.

We look forward to getting to know you!

Town Directory and Members-Only Access

The Town publishes a Resident Directory in early fall each year, and we would like to add you to the Town’s Resident Directory.  In addition, this Resident Directory is available online, which allows you to sign up for “Members Only”  access to the Resident Directory.  When you sign up for access, the online Resident Directory will be updated to include the information you provide.  When the annual directory is next printed in the fall, your information will be included in the printed version as well.

The Town Manager will review all online access accounts and will formally activate residents’ accounts.  You will receive an email with instructions once approved.   We take your privacy seriously and have done everything possible to bring this useful content to you in a secure manner.

Town E-mailings

The Town uses Constant Contact for important news announcements to Town residents from the Council and Town Manager.  You also receive the monthly Town Council meeting agenda and minutes via email rather than traditional mailings.  To register, please visit our E-mailings page.  Note that paper mailings will be discontinued for households that are registered for Town E-mailings.


The Town of Chevy Chase View listserv is open only to Town residents and is meant for neighbor-to-neighbor communications.   The ChevyChaseViewNet listserv is not sponsored by the CCV Council, therefore Council members and the Town Manager will not respond to items posted to the listserv.

Send an email to [email protected] to register.  You must answer the return email inquiry from the moderator asking for confirmation of your name/address.  Upon receipt of that information, you will be approved for membership.

Events Calendar

We recommend that you review our Events Calendar, which will give you a good overview of what is happening in the Town in the near future.  The website also contains information about the services, government and many other aspects of the Town.  Please take a moment to look around.

Board of Elections

The Board of Elections provides the Town of Chevy Chase View with a list of registered and qualified voters prior the Town’s annual election in May.  Please report your change of address to the Montgomery County Board of Elections as soon as possible. For more information on changing your voter registration, please visit Montgomery County Elections.