The Town of Chevy Chase View is a municipality. Municipalities are towns or cities that are self-governing. The Town was established as Special Taxing District in 1924 and became incorporated in 1993 by an act of the Maryland General Assembly. The State of Maryland has granted authority to the Council to govern within its boundaries. The Town government is responsible for providing necessary services and support that benefit our residents and ensure prosperity for future generations.
As a self-governed municipality, the Town of Chevy Chase View is empowered to perform certain functions and enforce regulations within its boundaries. Town residents are subject to the Town’s Charter, Policies, and Municipal Code. These include Building Regulations which are specific to Chevy Chase View and which supersede Montgomery County Building Regulations.
The Town of Chevy Chase View, as established within its Charter, has a Town Council form of government. Affairs of the Town of Chevy Chase View are governed by the Council, consisting of five members. Council members are residents of the Town who are elected for a two-year term.