Dear Residents,

We are passing on this information we recently received from Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection. This Thursday’s session is virtual for those interested in learning more about the RainScapes Program. Session II is in person on Saturday, April 13th. Please see the details below:


Ann English, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection staff

Session I: Live Zoom Webinar (recording sent to registrants)

Session II: Brookside Gardens Visitor Center Auditorium

Session I: Thursday, March 28 / 7-9 p.m.                               Fee: $15 / FOBG: $12

Session I: Learn how environmentally friendly landscapes, such as conservation sites and rain gardens, can help manage stormwater issues on residential properties. We’ll review steps to planning a RainScape including site evaluation and determining the type and scale of project that best suits your needs.

Register for Session 1:

Session II: Saturday, April 13 / 10 a.m.-12 p.m.                     Fee: $25 / FOBG: $22

(native plants given out)

Session II: Explore strategies to properly size a garden project, estimate plant quantities, and create an effective planting plan. Study the range of native plants for managing water runoff and supporting pollinators and wildlife. Learn the steps to develop and submit a plan that qualifies for the RainScapes Rewards Rebate. Registrants will receive a selection of free native plants to take home.

Register for Session 2: