Dear Town of Chevy Chase View Residents,
We are pleased to report that the Town of Chevy Chase View has received a grant through the Maryland Department of Natural Resources for a Stormwater Management and Climate Resilience Study in the Town. The study will focus on stormwater drainage throughout the Town, assessing causes and locations of significant stormwater-related flooding, as well as how stormwater in CCV will be affected by short- and long-term changes in precipitation as projected in the 4th National Climate Assessment. This study follows a recommendation outlined in the Final Report of the CCV Stormwater Management Committee, which is available on the Town website. Clark + Azar, with sub-consultant Mahan Rykiel, has been retained to perform the assessment.
A key outcome will be the identification of options for mitigating excessive stormwater through the implementation of green, or nature-based, infrastructure as well as improvements to hard stormwater infrastructure. The study will assess options for improving stormwater management holistically throughout the Town, including improvements that the Town can implement in the public right-of-way and opportunities available to Town residents to manage stormwater on their properties. Residents will be engaged throughout the study process through community input meetings as well as onsite meetings with residents in affected areas.
To begin the study, Clark + Azar is creating a basemap of the Town delineating drainage areas and sub-areas and calculating stormwater flow paths and flow quantities. To ensure that we analyze all of the areas of concern within the Town, we need your help. The attached survey asks you to identify and describe stormwater problems you have observed on or around your property; photos and videos of identified locations would also be very helpful.
Thank you for providing information regarding excessive stormwater runoff on or near your property. Please submit this survey form by Friday, February 24, 2023.
Three submittal options:
- Send hard copy to Town Manager, Jana Coe, 4104 Franklin Street
- Email completed form to [email protected]
- Complete survey link below
Please submit only one survey per household. Thank you.