Dear Residents, 
As previously reported in the Council’s recent monthly minutes, Washington Gas and Light (WGL) will be replacing their gas main on Franklin Street between Summit Avenue and Connecticut Avenue.  The expected start date is July 6th, weather permitting.  In conjunction with this gas main replacement work, individual home connections will need to then be extended or re-established. The new services will generally be located from your gas meter at your house perpendicular to the street. The project length is estimated to be approximately 2-3 months, with repaving likely to occur by the end of the calendar year.  
The disturbance along this block of Franklin Street roadway will be significant, as the gas line replacement work will be performed slightly right of the street’s center line, limiting traffic to one lane. For safety reasons, this block of Franklin Street will be closed to thru traffic (open to residents of this block only via Summit Avenue). It is not safe for Connecticut Avenue motorists to commit to this Franklin Street turn who could be met with motorists heading eastbound to Connecticut Avenue.
When the WGL’s contractor undertakes work in the public right-of-way, private improvements may be damaged. Private improvements may include special landscaping, invisible dog fences, sprinkler systems, walkways, and shrubbery. If the WGLs contractor disturbs private improvements within the Town right-of-way, the contractor and the Town are under no obligation to repair/replace said improvements. While the WGL contractor will be tasked with taking care to minimize any disturbance outside of the roadway, some disturbance will be necessary to perform these house connections. Residents of this Franklin Street block will also receive direct communications from WGL regarding this gas main replacement work. 
More specific information will be shared with Town residents as we get closer to the July 6th start date. Please see the attached Washington Gas brochure for detailed information about the gas main replacement process.  
Jana Coe
Town Manager