HALLOWEEN Update: Reyes Construction is working today, October 30th. At the end of the workday, M. T. Laney will make sure that this block of the roadway is fully secured and place cones along curbs. Franklin Street will be open to motorists (as usual).

There will be NO Reyes Construction work on Franklin Street on Tuesday, October 31st, and Franklin Street will remain open to motorists until 5:00 PM. At that time, the M.T. Laney traffic crew will wrap yellow caution ribbon around the cones to guide trick-or-treaters to walkways. The weather forecast calls for winds tonight and tomorrow, and the crewmen want to apply the caution tape closer to the street closure at 5:00 PM). Crewmen will also place ‘Road Closed’ and ‘Detour’ signs at the Connecticut Avenue intersection and ‘No Thru Traffic’ at the Summit Avenue intersection.

Four (4) M. T. Laney traffic crew men will monitor these two intersections until 8:30 PM, at which time Franklin Street will be reopened. I commend the M. T. Laney project supervisor, Darby Ridenour, and traffic control chief, Jeff Fowler, for working with me to make certain this block of Franklin Street is as safe as possible for tomorrow evening’s Halloween pedestrians.

Concrete work will resume on Wednesday, 11/1. M. T. Laney is replacing the entire Franklin Street roadway with 8″ concrete base and welded wire fabric. This portion of the work is expected to be completed by Wednesday, November 8th.

On Saturday, November 4th, M. T. Laney will be working to move this extensive project along a bit more quickly. The M.T. Laney traffic crew will monitor the ‘Road Closed’, ‘Detour’ and ‘No Thru’ traffic signs at the Connecticut Avenue and Franklin Street intersections.

“No Parking” signs will be updated tomorrow to read 11/1 – 11/4. On Sunday, 11/5, Franklin Street will be open to motorists