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So far Administrator has created 87 blog entries.

MDOT Alert: One Way Turns Only onto Connecticut Avenue from Franklin Street


This morning, the Maryland Department of Transportation installed temporary poles at the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and Franklin Street without prior notice or a public meeting. One-way signs were placed above the stop signs at Franklin Street as part of this installation. The project director is currently investigating this early action, and we will provide updates as we learn more. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Denise Hitt, Town Manager, at or (301) 949-9274.

MDOT Alert: One Way Turns Only onto Connecticut Avenue from Franklin Street2024-04-13T15:30:07-04:00

Spring Bulk Clean-Up – April 8 to 11, 2024


The Town has scheduled this Spring’s bulk yard waste pickup. Chevy Chase View is a mature neighborhood with a tremendous number of trees and shrubs, and this cleanup will aid residents in maintaining the appearance of their properties.Beginning on Monday, April 8th, Myers and Laws Tree Service will begin the collection of limbs, bushes, and shrubs from your yards that have been placed at the curb. The large ends (the butt end) of branches should face the street. This Spring clean-up includes all organic yard waste that can be placed in a chipper or hauled away in bulk. This cleanup is not intended to substitute for major landscaping [...]

Spring Bulk Clean-Up – April 8 to 11, 20242024-03-29T11:34:02-04:00

MoCo 2-Part Rainscape Series


Dear Residents, We are passing on this information we recently received from Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection. This Thursday's session is virtual for those interested in learning more about the RainScapes Program. Session II is in person on Saturday, April 13th. Please see the details below: Instructor: Ann English, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection staff Session I: Live Zoom Webinar (recording sent to registrants) Session II: Brookside Gardens Visitor Center Auditorium Session I: Thursday, March 28 / 7-9 p.m.                               Fee: $15 / FOBG: $12 Session I: Learn how environmentally friendly landscapes, such as conservation sites and rain gardens, [...]

MoCo 2-Part Rainscape Series2024-03-29T11:38:40-04:00

March Council Meeting


To attend in person: Town Meeting Room: 10401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 103 Kensington, MD 20895 Please use the driveway on the east side of the "Bakers Union" building. Meeting attendees are allowed to park in the A-level garage, which can be accessed from the rear parking lot behind the building. Walk through the garage to the double utility doors that will lead you directly to the building’s two elevators for the A-Level elevator lobby. Take either elevator to Floor 1. As soon as you exit the elevator, signs will be posted to direct you to Suite 103. The garage [...]

March Council Meeting2024-03-19T16:16:37-04:00

Budget Work Session March 5, 2024, at 6 p.m.


The Town Council will be holding its budget work session tonight, Wednesday, March 5th, at 6 p.m., to develop the Fiscal Year (FY25 budget).  The meeting will be held in the Town Office, 10401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 120. Residents are welcome to attend. In accordance with Maryland state law, the Town's fiscal year begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th. The Council will introduce the proposed FY25 budget at its March 20. 2024 monthly Council meeting. The Annual Budget Meeting will be held on April 17, 2024.

Budget Work Session March 5, 2024, at 6 p.m.2024-03-04T21:18:55-05:00

Please Pick Up After Your Pets!


To the many of us that walk our dogs through the neighborhood, As the weather takes a turn for the better this week, it is great to see more people enjoying walks. However, It has come to our attention that there is a growing concern regarding the improper disposal of dog waste, particularly in areas where children walk to school or the school bus stops. We are writing to address this issue and emphasize the importance of responsible dog ownership for the safety and cleanliness of our community. It has been observed that there is a significant increase in incidents where dog [...]

Please Pick Up After Your Pets!2024-03-04T21:21:04-05:00

MDOT Recommendation: Franklin Street and Connecticut Avenue Intersection


Dear Residents, The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) has identified challenges with left turns at the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and Franklin Street, both northbound and southbound. In response, the proposed solution is to restrict left turns from Franklin Street onto Connecticut Avenue, thereby preventing cross-through traffic on Franklin Street across Connecticut. MDOT suggests implementing a pilot program, typically lasting six (6) months. As part of this initiative, temporary flex posts, designed in an "S" curve, will be installed at the intersection to physically prohibit left turns from Franklin Street onto Connecticut Avenue and cross traffic. During the pilot [...]

MDOT Recommendation: Franklin Street and Connecticut Avenue Intersection2024-03-04T21:26:28-05:00

Monthly Town Council Meeting: Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at 7 p.m.


The Town Council will meet at the Town Meeting Room on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at 7 p.m. Residents may attend in person or virtually. View the Agenda To attend in person: Town Meeting Room: 10401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 103 Kensington, MD 20895 Please use the driveway on the east side of the "Bakers Union" building. Meeting attendees are allowed to park in the A-level garage, which can be accessed from the rear parking lot behind the building.  Walk through the garage to the double utility doors that will lead you directly to the building’s two elevators for the A-Level elevator lobby.  Take either elevator to Floor 1. As soon as you [...]

Monthly Town Council Meeting: Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at 7 p.m.2024-02-20T15:24:26-05:00

Important Reminder When Filing Your 2023 Maryland State Tax Return


By law, as a municipality, the Town of Chevy Chase View receives a portion of the Maryland state income tax the Town’s residents pay each year. This revenue represents the most significant source of the Town’s overall income and goes directly toward paying for services that the Town delivers to its residents instead of the county-provided services. Town residents DO NOT pay any additional State income taxes to live in Chevy Chase View. To ensure that the Town of Chevy Chase View receives all State income tax revenues due to the Town, we ask you to please take special care when completing your MD [...]

Important Reminder When Filing Your 2023 Maryland State Tax Return2024-02-12T19:46:02-05:00

Worried About the Rain This Coming Weekend?


Dear Residents, If you were thinking about applying to the RainScapes program, now is the time to do it! The portal is closing very soon. RainScapes Program Director, Ann English, encourages everyone to apply now because the program will probably reach capacity and close the application window in February. The next application window will begin in August. You do not need to have a fully thought-out project to apply; you have the option to answer questions with “I don’t know.” Once you apply, a planner will be assigned to you. The planner will meet with you on your property to help you determine the best [...]

Worried About the Rain This Coming Weekend?2024-02-10T11:15:15-05:00